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Traveler Spotlight

Get to know other women who travel!

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“I’m a licensed Esthetician living in San Diego, but grew up in Los Angeles. I just started going on solo trips this year and I’m obsessed with them and meeting so many amazing ladies. ”

Interview with Terri Parker

1. Please tell us about yourself! ❤️

I’m a licensed Esthetician living in San Diego, but grew up in Los Angeles. I have two grown sons, 28 and 34, but I certainly don’t feel old enough to have kids that old lol I’m an avid traveler with a bucket list that keeps getting longer and longer. So many countries, so little time lol i just started going on solo trips this year and I’m obsessed with them and meeting so many amazing ladies. 

2. How many countries have you visited?

10 countries!

3. What's your favorite place you've been so far?

Italy, because it was with my youngest son and we both got to experience so many beautiful and historical places that we had only seen in books and movies. It was so incredible to se them in person. 

4. What location is at the top of your bucket list?

Bali, because it just feels like such a beautiful and healing destination. 

5. How many trips a year do you commit to?

Typically 4-6, and they’re not all far away exotic locations. I enjoy visiting new states, as well. 

6. What has surprised you about yourself from traveling?

That I have learned to travel light nowadays lol I dont need separate suitcases just for shoes anymore haha

7. What's the longest single journey you've taken?

Italy, over 6,000 miles 

8. What was your most challenging moment during your travels?

Getting stranded in the Puerto Rico airport for 12 hours and then sent to Miami for another 24 hrs, due to all the cancelled flights post pandemic. 

9. Which country has the best weather?


10. What view has been the most breathtaking so far?

The Northern Lights in Iceland 

11. What have been the most memorable accommodations you've stayed in?

In an all inclusive resort in the jungles of Belize. You could hear all sorts of wildlife both day and night 

12. How many different currencies are you currently holding onto?

I think about 4 or 5

13. Who has been the most interesting person you've met so far?

A member of the Mexican cartel, and I don’t know if “interesting” is even the right word for him lol It was definitely a moment I will never forget lol 

14. What's the best piece of travel advice you've received?

That no matter how much you plan, something is bound to go wrong. Embrace it and go with it. Don’t let it ruin your day or trip. 

15. What's the worst piece of travel advice you've received?: Someone said we don’t need to check in two hours earlier for intl. flights and of course we missed our flight because we didn’t give ourselves enough time to get through security.  

16. What's your top travel tip?

Give yourself plenty of time to get through security. Sometimes those lines are over an hour long 

17. What is your favorite "must eat" food and where?: ALL the pasta in Italy 

18. What has been the most interesting item of food you've tasted on your travels?

Escargot, the slimy texture is not my favorite, but anything that’s been drowning  in garlic butter, is always a hit with me 

19. What packed item ended up being the most useful?

Outlet adapters. They are a MUST for every country you go to

20. What item did you think was a must-have but never ended up using?

Clothes lol overpacking and never wearing half of them lol 

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